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Lest We Forget


They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old:
Age shall not weary them,
Nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning.
We will remember them.
Lest we forget.

25th April


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On Sale! Lavender Essential Oil

english-lavender-flowersI’ve got a shipment arriving with a bunch of new essential oils and I need to clear some space on my shelves. Take advantage of a massive price reduction!

50% off all sizes of Lavender Essential Oil

Lavender essential oil is excellent for burns and sunburn, and useful for skin inflammation. Which makes it a great addition to have in your skin care range in these hot summer months!

Stocks are limited at these prices so be in quick to avoid disappointment.

* Offer expires 28 February 2015 or while stocks last

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Soy Wax Price Increase

Due to the increasing cost of importing and the falling US Dollar we’ve unfortunately had to increase our prices slightly on our range of soy wax. We’ve tried to limit the increase as much as possible so hopefully this won’t have too much of a negative impact on you.

The new prices are effective immediately, however we’re offering a special 10% discount on our most popular GW464 wax for one week.

During checkout use coupon code wax10 to receive the discount.

* Discount expires Monday 26 January 2015

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January Opening Hours

I hope you all had a relaxing Christmas break! I managed to have a couple of days off and the weather has been stunning here in Tauranga for the most part.

My regular hours of Monday to Friday 8.30am – 4.30pm resume on Monday 13 January 2014.

The the rest of this week (Wednesday 8 Jan – Friday 10 Jan) I’ll be open from 10am – 1pm.

If these hours don’t suit you, I’m always available via email so just let me know what time you’d like to come in and I can usually open up for you 🙂

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Merry Christmas!

christmas-treeThank you to all my loyal customers these last few months. I’ve enjoyed meeting and getting to know each and every one of you! I hope you all have a safe and happy Christmas and I look forward to seeing you all again in the new year.

– Kirsty